精油對(duì)神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的作用(二)---韓國(guó)Hong Keun(David) Oh 吳洪根 博士的演講

精油作為神經(jīng)影響因子(Neuropeptides)對(duì)大腦和神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)有作用和影響。例如:香紫蘇(亦稱(chēng)快樂(lè)鼠尾草)和依蘭依蘭精油作用在下丘腦,可以產(chǎn)生內(nèi)啡肽,提高性欲和鎮(zhèn)痛;玫瑰和茉莉精油作用在丘腦時(shí),產(chǎn)生腦啡肽,可以釋放壓力,增強(qiáng)自信;椒樣薄荷和迷迭香精油刺激海馬體,傳導(dǎo)腎上腺素,可加強(qiáng)專(zhuān)注度和記憶力;真薰衣草和洋甘菊類(lèi)精油能影響中縫核(Raphe nuclei),釋放血清素,讓頭腦冷靜。
精油包含很多不同化學(xué)成分,化學(xué)組分比例也不同。例如,相對(duì)于其他精油,真薰衣草含有高比例的乙酸芳樟醇酯(linalyl acetate),因此真薰衣草精油化學(xué)反應(yīng)在人體上,有鎮(zhèn)靜和放松作用。
精油對(duì)免疫系統(tǒng)作用時(shí),影響因子(cytokine)作用于下丘腦和腦垂體,產(chǎn)生諸如IL-1,IL2,IL6, TNF等前腦垂體激素,激活HPA軸(下丘腦-垂體-腎上腺皮質(zhì)軸),抑制生長(zhǎng)荷爾蒙。炎癥和壓力通常會(huì)誘發(fā)荷爾蒙的變化,例如:皮質(zhì)醇增多癥(hypercortisolism)、正常甲狀腺病態(tài)綜合癥(euthyroid sick syndrome)、性腺功能減退癥(hypogonadism)、醛固酮增多癥減退癥(hypoaldosteronism,中文無(wú)準(zhǔn)確譯名,譯者注)。
利用芳香療法治療一些疾病,已經(jīng)在醫(yī)院里廣泛應(yīng)用。在美國(guó)紐約的SLOAN KATTERING癌癥中心,就使用很多包括芳香療法在內(nèi)的替代療法。
真薰衣草的植物學(xué)名是Lavandula augustifolia,這個(gè)品種的化學(xué)組分很均衡,有足夠的乙酸芳樟醇酯含量,有毒性的樟腦的含量很低;而穗花薰衣草的植物學(xué)名是Lavandula latifolia,乙酸芳樟醇酯含量低,而且樟腦含量高。
Now I will explain how aromatic essential oils work at brain andnervous system.First of all, olfactory nerve is only and unique way to inner brain fromoutside. It carries essential oil into deep place of brain
When we smell evaporated aromatic essential oils, it is inhaled into our nose and invisible micro particles attached to cilias of olfactory nerve in mucosal membrane of nasal cavity. These chemical components in olfactory receptor cells are carried through olfactory bulb and olfactory stalk to limbic system in inner part of brain. Then these neurochemicals are distributed over each parts of limbic systems, like hypothalamus, thalamus, pituitary gland, hippocampus and amygdala. Hypothalamus-pituitary gland pathway is the main route of transportation of essential molecular chemicals from central nervous system to peripheral areas, like each organs, heart, liver, stomach and intestine. It stimulates autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, endocrine hormonal system and immune system.
All of internal brain milieu, from prefrontal, frontal to motor and sensory areas, exchanges chemico- neuronal informations as signals to each others.
Signals and informations generated from limbic system to hypothalamus influenced stress, metabolism and sexual function of our body. Sleep cycles is influenced by this mechanism and case of insomnia is recovered.
Also it stimulates cortical brain to make conscious thought and When it reaches to brain stem then it controls heart rate and rhythm, intestinal function, blood pressure and breath.
So limbic system of brain is like a birth place and root of human emotion and behavior. It is a site for living worthy of human dignity hand over from God.
Essential molecular chemicals descend from central nervous system to peripheral areas. It stimulates autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and rising or depressing its functions. So it is expressed as angry or relaxed, rising or falling down of blood pressure, constipation or diarrhrea.
At the level of brain cell, neurons are delivered neurotransmitters from one neuron to next neurons. Each neurotransmitters act some of its dominant emotions. For examples, endorphin makes our mind to excite. Serotonin induces happiness. Melatonin guides sleep. Cholecystokinine leads sufficiency. Dopamine generates joy. Oxytocin stimulates love feeling.
There are some known aromatic essential oils where and what neuropeptides working at and effecting on. For examples, clary and ylanylang oils work at hypothalamus and producing endorphin and to increase sexuality and pain control. Rose and jasmine oils act on thalamus and make enkephalin and to relieve depressive mood and increase self confidence. Peppermint and
rosemarry oils stimulate hippocampus to deliver adrenalin and lead to increase concentration and memory. Lavender and chamomile oils influence on raphe nuclei and release serotonin and to set mind balance and harmony.
Each aromatic essential oils has many chemical ingredients with different proportional ratios.
For examples, lavender essential oil has more highly linalyl acetate ratio than other oils.
It means lavender oil acts chemically on our body more sedating and relaxing effects.
Regarding to immune system, cytokine works on hypothalamus and pituitary gland and produce anterior pituitary hormone, like IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF and it activates HPA axis (hypothalamic- pituitary-thyroid) and inhibits growth hormone. Inflammation and other stress condition commonly induce hormonal changes, like hypercortisolism, hyperreninemia hypoaldosteronism,
euthyroid sick syndrome and hypogonadism. (M.R. Irwin / Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 22 (2008) 129-139)
Aromatherapy massage and spa has also same effects on body. It removes fatigue, tension and stress. Aromatic lymph drainage massage is much effective to edema state. Swedish massage generally helps to enhance circulation.
So aromatherapy is beneficial by depending on its metabolic pathway. For examples, if some mental condition, like insomnia or depression then to use oils by vaporization or inhalation. If it is necessary to relief bodily pain, then use oils by skin massages and lotions.
Aromatherapy is well used to cure some diseases in hospitals. Many modalities of Alternative medicine including aromatherapy have been used to treat patients at Sloan Kattering Cancer Center in N.Y
Most of mental disorders, like anxiety disorder, panic disorder are good indications for aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy is also good for other physical disorders, like cardiac surgery as for fast recovery from surgical sequelaes.
I would like to introduce some representative aromatic essential oils useful to affect nervous system and helpful to cure mental and physical disorders.
Mandarin is common and easy oil to use for insomnia,stress and Depression.Melaleuca alternifolia, common name, Eucalyptus has highly strong antiseptic effects and also is very common and familial oil to energizing and neurotonic with enhancing immunity.
Roman Chamomile oil is one of best for insomnia and depression.Also it is good for relaxation and stress relief.
Lavender is most common and safe aromatic essential oil for mental problems also for physical sufferings.It is most safe oil chemically and very rare toxicity so it is easy to use for children and pregnant women.
Marjoram is very deeply working to functions of nervous system, so itinduces powerful and strong relaxation.
There are other more essentials, like Junifer berry, Sandalwood,Lemon, Ylanylang, Rose. But I have no time to explain it so I will skip
When we use aromatic essential oils in some medical conditions, wemust be attention of its toxicity and safety.
For examples, the general name, lavender is so many, may be over ten kinds, but its Latin name is different.
Latin name Lavandula anguistifolia(or true lavender) is one of best oil because of its chemical ingredient is well properly composed as you seeing in the picture, enough proportion of linalyl acetate and very few camphor which is toxin. But Latin name lavandula latifolia but same lavender in general name has not sufficient percentage of linalyl acetate and too much toxic
camphor in it.
This is one of world wide famous certified essential oil mark. Organic and 100% pure eco oils should be chosen for avoiding danger
So aromatherapist should be alert to check whether essential oils are safe or not.
Last part of this lecture,I will talk my experience of aromatherapy in my clinic. Here are cases of my practice of aromatherapy specially for mental disorders.
I have been used aromatic essential oils to my patients alone or combining with medication(drugs) and other alternative modalities.
I will show my prescriptions of aromatic essential oils for each conditions, like, Depression, Insomnia, ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), Panic disorder and Migraine, Autism, Social phobia, PTSD, Dementia.
Depression is fundamental and common background of most mental problems, like PTSD, Panic disorder, Social phobia, OCD, Anxiety disorder. So essential oils for depression are also useful for other mental disorders.
Some oils among such essential oils are chosen with proper ratio for depression.